
“An Adventure”

jò in wonderland scrap

P1080655materiali utilizzati: carta Webster Pages, fiore Bo Bunny clover daisy, sticker Echo Park fun in the sun, stencil a pois The Crafters Workshop

Questo layout riguarda la tragicomica giornata del 1° maggio 2013 alla Gola dell’Infernaccio, dove ci ha sorpreso un temporalone, il diluvio universale e noi correvamo in mezzo ai boschi, col terreno diventato viscidissimo, con la paura di cadere, aggrappati ai nostri bastoni…un freddo gelido, tutti bagnati… un incubo! Questa foto è stata scattata subito prima del diluvio, da qui il titolo “un’ avventura è quando non sai cosa sta per succedere” ;)/ This layout is about the tragicomic day of May 1, 2013 at Gola dell’ Infernaccio, where we surprised a flood, and we ran into the woods, with the ground became slimy, with the fear of falling, clinging to our sticks ... freezing cold, soaking wet ... a nightmare! This photo was taken just before the flood, hence the title "an 'adventure is when you do not know what's going to happen";)

Con questo layout partecipo alla nuova sfida di Artful Delight:

Sketch Layout

7 commenti:

  1. I love that you stamped AND added sequins to your background paper. FABULOUS! Thank you for playing along with us at Artful Delight!

  2. Such a lovely, feminine layout. I love the sequins and the journaling around the edge of the page. Thank you for joining us at Artful Delight.

  3. Lovely work, really pretty layout!
    thanks for joining us at Artful Delight!

  4. Love the journaling around the edge, fabulous LO! Thank you for playing along with Artful Delight!


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