
“California here we come”

Come già sapete Paper House ha mille collezioni diverse per scrappare i nostri viaggi: ecco quindi un altro layout sul nostro viaggio in USA, ma sulla parte “preliminare”, ovvero il volo!

Per lo sfondo ho utilizzato la carta “Eastern Hemisphere” e ci ho cucito sopra della carta dal paper pad “Impressions” strappata a mano (era la prima volta che cucivo a macchina, troppo divertente!)P1090188mod


Come abbellimenti niente di meglio dei 3D stickers “World Travel”P1090191


Per mattare le foto ho usato carte dai paper pad “Blossom” e “Romance”P1090190


Ho aggiunto un delizioso sticker cupcake (l’ho prima incollato su carta bianca perchè sono sticker trasparenti)P1090192


Come ultimo abbellimento ho scelto lo sticker “California dreamin’” dalla collezione California 3d stickersP1090189   


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9 commenti:

  1. Love the stitching on your layout! Thanks for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  2. YAY Jo!!! Lovely to see you joining us at PP & the stitching on the paper is brill - it reminds me of the sea you're crossing to get to the USA....those holiday embellies are PERFECT, too....great take on my sketch, I have to say:):)

    1. thank you Lizzy, it was the first time I machine stitched, it is quite a mess but I like it :)
      Your sketch is great, I loved working with it.
      And I LOVE these products!!

  3. stitching looks great with your photos... thanks for playing along at Purple Pumpkin

  4. What a fun page! Love the stitching and all the little bits and pieces you added!! Thanks for joining us at Purple Pumpkin this month!

  5. What a cool travel page! I love all the little details!
    Thanks for joining us at Purple Pumpkin!


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