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Viaggiare on the road è pieno di esperienze che sembrano banali e invece fanno parte anch’esse del bello del viaggio: in America non siamo mai riusciti a far benzina pagando con la Visa perchè ci chiedeva un codice strano (credo fosse il CAP postale ma non sono sicura!). Questa era la prima volta in assoluto che facevamo benzina/ Travel on the road is full of awesome experiences: here we were trying making gas for the first time in USA, but we couldn’t make it with our Visa during the whole trip – it always asked for a “misterious code”… we gave it up and paied cash all the time!Adoro il design a griglia nei layout perchè permette di utilizzare moltissimi abbellimenti: io ho usato le bellissime collezioni Paper House a tema viaggio/ I love grid design on layout because you can fill it up with a lot of embellishments: I used beautiful travel theme Paper House collections:
Prodotti utilizzati/ Products used
Paper House Productions: ”United States Map- West” paper“, “Impressions” paper pad, “American Road” paper pad, “Road Trip” 3D stickers, “Road Trip” cardstock stickers, “Road Trip” canvas art stickers, “Hit the road” chipoxy stickers, “Road Trip” chalkboard stickersPartecipo a:
- Simon says stamps - Wednesday challenge: anything goes
- Paper Issues - The World is a circle
Great layout, terrific keepsake.
RispondiEliminaThank you for joining us at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge.
Jo x
thank you Jo
Eliminathis is awesome, great photos! So glad you played along with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!
RispondiEliminasparkle & shine *~*
thank you Teresa