
[Paper House] – discover ColorWays with us!

This post is in Italian and English

Questa settimana sul blog di Paper House vi mostriamo i mille usi delle collezioni monocromatiche ColorWays (e c’ è anche un giveaway, non perdetevelo!): per ora sono disponibili 3 colori, divertitevi a usarle singolarmente o a mixarle tra loro, come ho fatto io in questo layout! Qui trovate il tutorial per realizzarlo/This week at Paper House blog is all dedicated to ColorWays (and there is a giveaway too!!): they are monochromatic collections, by now there are three available colors, and you can use them individually or all together to achieve great results, like I made in this layout (here you can find the tutorial for making it):Giorgia Rossini for Paper House

Ho utilizzato uno sticker 3D di New York per il titolo, e l’ho impreziosito con i puffy stickers “ColorWays”. Ho creato diversi layers sotto la foto utilizzando tutti e tre i colori ColorWays per far risaltare la foto in bianco e nero/ As title I used a New York 3D sticker embellished with “ColorWays” puffy stickers. I created several layers under my b/w picture using all three ColorWays colors, to make the picture pop:Giorgia Rossini for Paper House

Come potete vedere, io amo rovinare la carta con la lama delle forbici per creare texture: è una cosa che faccio quasi sempre! / As you can see I love to add texture distressing papers, I make it on almost all my LOs! Giorgia Rossini for Paper House

Ai lati della foto ho posizionato tantissimi die cut degli accent pack “ColorWays” per creare punti di colore/ I used a lot of die cuts from “ColorWays” accent packs to create spot of colors:Giorgia Rossini for Paper House 

Giorgia Rossini for Paper House

Product used

Paper House: “Noir” paper pack, “Sapphire” paper pack, “Emerald” paper pack, “Emerald” accent pack, “Noir” accent pack, “Sapphire” accent pack, “Enjoy” puffy stickers, “New York” 3D stickers 

Other: Prima pebbles


Partecipo a/Inspired by:

Infiniment ScrapMay challenge:


3 commenti:

  1. Love those embellies running down the page.....and the puffy stickers! Gorgeous photo of you two, too:) Just an all-round fabbo LO:):) Almost the weekend....hope you've got it free and for some fun:) We've got Lucas's THIRD birthday. Cannot believe he is already 3!!!

  2. Thank you so much my friend!
    Luca's is so cute :)

  3. Bravo pour cette très belle page et la photo est top !!!
    Merci pour la participation au challenge ISDesign



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