
Mini album Spain - prima parte

Non faccio quasi mai mini album (finora ho fatto solo questo e questo), ma piano piano ci sto prendendo gusto! Ho deciso di scrappare la nostra vacanza in Spagna proprio con una serie di mini: questo è il primo/ I almost never make minis (here and here you can find my only two previous attempt), but I find them funny and perfect to scrap travels or other events, so this is the first of my minis dedicated to our Spain road trip:

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8 commenti:

  1. Fabulous mini album. Love the bright colours and all the photos you've used.
    Thanks for joining our challenge at Off the Rails Scrapbooking.
    Louise xo

  2. Awesome album and how you decorated each page. Thanks for sharing over at Inspiration Destination.

  3. Just love all the bright colors. Fabulous work. Thanks for taking the time to join OTR this month.

  4. Fabulous mini album, and awesome design! Thanks for joining us at OTR :)

  5. what a gorgeous memory album of an awesome trip.

  6. Great Mini album ... thanks for joining us on OTR!

  7. super pages.. thanks for joining us at OTR

  8. Great mini album - love the colour combos. Thanks for joining us at OTR


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