
6°BSBP – reveal day

Oggi è il gran giorno: vi svelerò cos’ho preparato per il 6° Bead Soup Blog Party! E’ la seconda volta che partecipo a questo evento internazionale. Stavolta siamo ben 400(!!) designer di gioielli: potete trovare l’elenco completo qui ( mentre qui trovate la mappa dei paesi coinvolti in questo grande scambio ). Sono molto felice di far parte di questo evento e colgo di nuovo l’occasione per ringraziare Lori Anderson di Pretty Things per il gran lavoro che svolge per organizzare tutto ciò!

Hi friends of BSBP: first of all sorry for my bad english, I hope you will understand what I’m saying Smile I’m Jò and I’m Italien, very nice to meet you! Today is the big day: I will show you my creations for the 6°BSBP. This is my second time participating in this worldwide event. 400 jewelry designers are participating this time and you can find all them here ( here it is the map of our living countries ). 
I am very happy to be part of this event and I want to thank Lori Anderson from Pretty Things for the huge work to organize this bead party!

La mia partner era Jackie, di Kydo Jewellery (potete scoprire qualcosa di lei, vedere cosa mi ha spedito, e cosa io ho spedito a lei qui). Della bellissima “zuppa di pietre” ricevuta ho amato subito tutto: colori e materiali molto nelle mie corde, non vedevo l’ora di mettermi al lavoro!

I was partnered with Jackie from Kydo Jewellery ( you can read something about her, and see what we sent each other here ). I loved at first sight the whole Bead Soup she sent to me: all colurs that I like, I couldn’t wait to work with them!

Come prima cosa ho affrontato il pendente di fimo fatto a mano da Jackie: sapevo sarebbe diventato il protagonista di una collana, e aggiungendo anche una delle sue chiusure e pietre dal mio assortimento è nata “Redwood Sorrel”, una collana romantica ed elegante. . .

First of all I faced the handmade polymer clay pendent: I knew it would become the protagonist of a necklace, so I added one of Jackie’s clasp and some beads from my stash and “Redwood Sorrel” necklace (a romantic and elegant necklace) came to life. . .



Poi ho preparato un braccialetto: ho creato una piastrina centrale in ottone ossidato e ci ho rivettato un cuore in rame martellato, ho aggiunto pietre dal mio assortimento e la bellissima chiusura in bronzo ricevuta. E’ stata l’occasione per provare due nuove tecniche: ossidazione dell’ottone con sale e ammoniaca e rivetto tra metalli. . . sono molto soddisfatta del risultato, adoro questo bracciale, che ho chiamato “Change of Heart” Smile

Next I made a bracelet: I created a focal using oxidated brass and I riveted on it a copper hammered heart, I added some bead from my stash and the beautiful received clasp. It was the occasion to try two new techniques: oxidize brass with salt and ammonia and metal riveting. . . I’m very proud of the result, I love my “Change of Heart” bracelet Smile






L’ispirazione era talmente tanta che ho creato anche un paio di orecchini: piastrine di ottone martellato con un motivo di stelline e le bellissime perle di vetro vintage di Jackie hanno dato vita agli orecchini “The Starry Night”. . .

The inspiration was huge, so I created a pair of earrings too: handmade stamped brass and beautiful vintage glass beads from the Soup became “ The Starry Night “ earrings. . .





Mi raccomando, andate a trovare Jackie per vedere cos’ha preparato con la mia “zuppa di pietre”, e poi andate a vedere anche le creazioni delle altre partecipanti a questa seconda tappa del BSBP ( trovate l’elenco qui, mentre qui trovate le partecipanti alla prima tappa – l’ultimo reveal day sarà invece il 25 agosto ): ci sono davvero dei bei blog da scoprire, creatrici di gioielli talentuose, nuove tecniche e idee. . . un mare di ispirazione! Un grandissimo grazie a Lori Anderson per aver organizzato di nuovo questo fantastico party perlinoso!

Be sure to check out what Jackie created with my soup, and check out all the participant for the 2°reveal ( here you can find also the participants for the first reveal – the 3° reveal will be on August 25) : you could discover great blogs, talented jewel designers, new techniques and ideas. . . very huge inspiration! A big Thank You to Lori Anderson for once again hosting such a great party!

57 commenti:

  1. I love the earrings and the bracelet and I'd wear them together

  2. Bracelet is the best! Regards from Poland, Dorota

  3. First off, your English is fine! I love the bracelet with your handmade focal. I think it matches the earrings so well. Great work on your bead soup. Mille grazie for commenting on my blog post.

  4. Wow Jó what wonderful things you have created with the soup I sent. I love the necklace you made to go with the pendant it looks lovely!
    The earrings are very inspired and I like the starry texture you made.
    I enjoyed this challenge and we will keep in touch.

  5. Wonderful designs!
    Delicious soup !
    m.e. :)

  6. Love your style Jo! You used the soup in ways I'd never imagine. Beautiful!

  7. Wow hai preparato dei gioielli fantastici....bravissima

  8. I think your English is great.I am an English teacher LOL Beautiful pieces Love and hugs Tanya

  9. You had some wonderful soup goodies to play with! Love what you created and love the patina and rivet work!

  10. I really like what you made, specially the earrings & bracelet. Great Job:)

  11. I simply adore your bracelet. That heart focal you made is really super. You did a wonderful job with all the soup. Awesome!

  12. Wonderful English!

    Fresh beautiful necklace and that bracelet is breath taking.

    Beautifully done!

  13. beautiful designs! ciao ;)

  14. Excellent work! And beautiful photography! Thanks for playing!

  15. Wonderful work. The earrings are beautiful. I admire your work very much, esp. the bracelet.

  16. Love the blue necklace! Enjoyed the pictures in the back ground, too!

  17. I just love your servings of soup. That necklace is darling.

  18. Hi Jo. You have created some beautiful pieces with your soup. I think starry night earrings are my favorite but it is not easy to decide on just one.

  19. Love the bracelet and earrings! So create! Your English is excellent too!

  20. Maybeline Tay12/8/12 04:50

    Thanks for taking time to write in English so that the rest of us can understand. 😊 love your creations! Especially the bracelet.

  21. Ciao! Sno l'altra italiana del BSBP ^_^
    Complimenti! Adoro gli orecchini, ammiro il bracciale e la collana! Molto carino anche il blog...mi sono aggiunta ai tuoi followers!

  22. Beautiful, I just love the earrings.

  23. Wonderful pieces - love, love, love the earrings!

  24. very nice jewwelrry! I especially like the golden earrings...;-))

  25. Excellent English! Wonderful Designs. I like how you display them as well.

  26. Love all your pieces. Especially like the Starry Night earrings - great colour!

  27. Really like this earrings!! :)

  28. I think your starry night earrings are spectacular, and your first necklace is so pretty and feminine.

  29. Bellisima! you had some fun with your pieces :) and your photography is awesome

  30. Great work, very romantic! Love the bracelet and earrings. Your english is good, nothing to worry about at all.

  31. Gorgeous work on your bead soup... what a lovely serving. I enjoy the way you design! Pretty!

  32. Oh, my, what beautiful jewelry. I love the bracelet and I love that you came up with such great names for each piece that reflected the inspiration. And your pictures are very artsy. Great job!

  33. I think your english is excellent and all the pictures tell the story well even if it weren't. I do really like the earrings best I must confess. Great work!

  34. love the earrings and the bracelet! beautiful work! ~diana

  35. Very lovely - really like the bracelet - your work is beautiful.


  36. you made some beautiful pieces! I love your style!

  37. Wonderful job on all your pieces. You showed the focal well. It's very kool that you tried new techniques.

  38. Very pretty pieces. I really like your Change of Heart bracelet, too.

  39. Beautiful job with your soup, I just love all of the pieces you made.

  40. Oh that was wonderful. I love what you did with the earrings. It actually has inspired me. I often forget that we can use irregular shapes like that. You did a wonderful job on all your pieces.

    Melissa Muir

  41. i like the gold bracelet very much..!! a little steampunk and earthy and vintage all in one!! the earrings are definitely very unique!

  42. Beautiful pieces! I love the heart focal in the necklace, you did an amazing job. And the earrings, love them.

  43. love all the pieces, really beautiful. Ciao

  44. These are unique. The bracelet is my favorite!

  45. Hi Jo,
    I love all of your beautiful pieces!

  46. Hi Jo,
    I love all of your beautiful pieces!

  47. Beautiful designs! Very colorful and fresh!

  48. Very nice!! I like them all, but I really do like the earrings... BIG and BOLD!! Great job!!

  49. I absolutely love the earrings!

  50. Gorgeous pieces, I love the bracelet and earrings especially.

  51. Hello and Bonjour from Canada! I was so thrilled to see your comment on my reveal, thank you so much for visiting.
    Your pieces for your soup are wonderful!!
    My very, very faves are the bracelet and those "Starry night" earrings. SO creative!

  52. Luv the starry nites earrings and the bracelet! But really all your pieces rock out! Great job and magnifico!

  53. Beautiful!
    I love the bracelet with heart!

  54. Beautiful necklace - amazing colors! Your bracelet and earrings are wonderful also!
    Love your photographing!


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