
[The Robin’s Nest] - “Always” a layout tutorial

This post is in Italian and English

Oggi mi trovate sul blog di The Robin’s Nest con il tutorial (qui) per realizzare questo layout: lo scorso anno io e il mio Love ci siamo sposati in una calda giornata estiva, e questo layout è appunto sul nostro Big Day!/ Today you can find me on The Robin’s Nest blog with the tutorial (here) to create this layout: last year I got marry on a sunny summer day and this layout is about my Big Day! Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest
Ho utilizzato le loro carte, i rubons, le dew drops e gli archival seed…. adoro tutti questi prodotti!/ I used their rubons, dew drops and archival seed… I LOVE these products!
Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest
Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest
 Product used

Paper House “Just Married” 3D stickers
Martha Stewart border punch

1 commento:

  1. Another beautiful wedding photo....love the edging you've used here, too..... the dew drops are such pretty embellie:& those little daisies are the cutest):)


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