
[The Robin’s Nest] - “We ♥ Santa” co-hop with Smoothfoam and Designer Crafts Connection + tutorial

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Oggi noi del Design Team di The Robin’s Nest vi facciamo festeggiare Christmas in July in collaborazione con Smoothfoam: abbiamo ricevuto le loro fantastiche basi di polistirolo e creato dei progetti a tema Natale. E’ davvero divertente lavorare con queste basi, ci si possono fare tantissime cose (qui trovate la board ispirazionale su Pinterest). Io ho pensato a un home decor, visitate il blog Designer Crafts Connection per vedere tutti gli altri progetti/ Today on The Robin’s Nest we celebrate Christmas in July in collaboration with Smoothfoam: we received their amazing smooth shapes to create Christmas projects. It is so funny and easy to work with them and you can make any kind of crafting project:here you can find their Pinterest inspirational board. I made a home decor, please visit Designer Crafts Connection to see all the other projects…Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Qualche dettaglio/some close up:

Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam



Per realizzare questo home decor ho colorato la base di polistirolo con la vernice multisuperficie della Plaid, color cardinal. Poi ho tracciato il contorno della base sulla carta, l’ho ritagliata e incollata alla base col Mod Podge matte. Ho passato il Mod Podge anche sopra la carta per sigillare bene il tutto/ I painted the Smoothfoam base with Plaid cardinal multisurface paint. Then I traced out the shape in the paper, cutted it and glued it to the base. I covered all with Mod Podge matte:Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Ho gessato una chipboard e poi l’ho ricoperta di brillantini/ I gessoed a chipboard and covered it with glitter:Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Ho creato i layer sotto la foto, rovinando la carta con la lama delle forbici/ I created layers under my picture – I distressed paper with scissor:Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam

Per la foto mi sembrava carino creare un effetto bokeh, anche con stelline: l’ho realizzato con PicMonkey/ In the picture I created a bokeh and stars effect with PicMonkey:Giorgia Rossini for The Robin's Nest and Smoothfoam 

Infine ho incollato la foto alla base, ho aggiunto la mollettina, il die cut con le stelline, il nastro, lo sticker e le Dew Drops/Finally I glued the picture, added the paper clip and stars die-cut, I added the ribbon, sticker and Dew Drops.


Product used

The Robin’s Nest: “Red Snowflake” cardstock, “Cindy Lou dot glitter” cardstock, “Black, White, Silver” dew drops, “Heart” paper clip, Dew Dew glue, “Leafy Green” straw, “Rusty Rose” ribbon

Other: Gina’s Design “Tulip scroll corners” chipboard, Paper House “All I want for Christmas” 3D stickers, white glitter, Mod Podge matte, Plaid “Folkart” multi surface paint cardinal

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